Creative Writing Links

CreativeWriting Tip Book
H. Poetry
A Poem Doesn't Need to Mean, it can simply be
I. Fiction
How do you know when a story needs to be written?
How to improve your character development?
K. Internet Writing
How to Format an eBook for Publication
M. Archived Tips
Communities & the Writing Life
Getting to the Story
Just for Fun
Reading Lists
The Idea's the Thing
Word Magick
Writing Exercises
N. Life Tips Blog Posts
Restructuring the Creative Writing Tips Site
An Introductory Blog Post
On Revision
A Note On Tips and Resources
New Tips
Creative Writing Newsletter Archive
Communities & the Writing Life
Getting to the Story
Reading Lists
The Idea's the Thing
Word Magick
Writing Exercises
Restructuring the Creative Writing Tips Site
Just for Fun
Writing Contests
Keep Track of Interesting Words
Connect with words, create better fiction
Crystallize your adjectives
Thought, energy, and writing
Burying your dialogue
An unquiet mind
List your experiences and curiosities
Establish Regular Writing Time
Find Resources in CraigsList
Create a Free Writing Website
Freelance Writing Sources
Use Your Bad Memories
Write the Story Backwards
Keep a Little Black Book
Visual Inspiration
Freewrite Daily
Using Childhood Memories to 'Write' Through a Creative Rough Patch
Discipline and Distraction
Rekindling Those Writing Fingers
A Note On Tips and Resources
On Revision
An Introductory Blog Post
New Tips
Writing Prompt: Given First Line
The Liar
A Word on Creativity Exercises
Point of View
Conference Links
Writers Groups
Freelancer´s Portfolio
Choosing a Conference
Finding the writerly element in that not-so-writerly position
Keeping a Writer´s Journal
Keeping a Reader´s Journal
Balancing Scene with Narration
Dialogue--Tread Lightly
Finding your voice
Plot or character?
Show vs. Tell
Using your senses
Journal Writing as an aid
Whose story are you telling?
The telephone call
a writer´s routine
Notebook of the senses
Just another dull conversation?
A Dramatic Push
Basic Character Elements
Motivation & Conflict
Situation and Character
A Story´s Innate Intelligence
Cover Letters
Finding Inspiration
Attend a workshop or seminar
Independent Bookstores
Publications that will help you find homes for your work
P´s & Q´s of Submitting Work
Inner Life vs. Page Action
What life is this?
Logistical Bores
Forward Movement
The trap of "plottiness"
Forward movement
Climax/Turning Point
Taking stock of your scenes
Dialogue Abuse
What does my story arc look like?
What are you most ashamed of?
Using dialogue to flesh out characters
University Writing Programs
Choosing a journal
Small moments of time
Beauty and the Beast: The magic of character pairs
Non-human narrators
Reading List
Make your characters do the work
You´re one of the lucky!
Do I need one?
Interviewing options
Read it back to me
Dramatic cliches to avoid
So much work...How will I ever...?
Promoting Your Site
The Dinner Party
Your college Career Services office
Searching for a job online
Ideas for entries
If at first you don´t succeed...
Your unique story
Starting with conflict
Build on Concrete Detail
Tight, clean verse
Characterization in poetry
Tight, clean prose
Emulate, but don´t imitate
Focusing on an image
Concrete Detail
Finding your style
A Writer´s Routine
Journal Writing as an Aid
A Notebook of the Senses
Beauty & the Beast: The Magic of Character Pairs
To rhyme or not to rhyme?
Stories about Shame
The unavoidable heart of the matter
Finding a writing gig
Can I work while working on my MFA?
Choosing a writing program
Finding the right home for your work
Make writing contacts
Basic Web Design for Writers
Drawing on basic emotional experiences
Freelance Writer Associations
Marketing Yourself
Online writing communities
General Links
Getting clips
Editing Yourself
"But I Have Nothing To Write About!"
9 to 5
Giving yourself grief
Writer´s Block
People watching
Stories from life experience
Major style resources for today´s writer
Am I ready to write a novel?
What is prose texture?
Novels vs. Short Stories
Writing Contests
Keep Track of Interesting Words
Connect with words, create better fiction
Crystallize your adjectives
Thought, energy, and writing
Burying your dialogue
An unquiet mind
List your experiences and curiosities
Fleshing out character
Novels--Should I use an outline?
To rhyme or not to rhyme
Character/Truth Exercise
Just For Fun
Revision: Editing Your Scenes
Collecting Words
Targeting Problem Areas
Who`s telling this story?
Author vs. Narrator
Publishing Your Writing
Making Adjectives Work
Getting to know your characters
Poetry: Getting Off the Soapbox
Minding the Details
Exercising Your Point of View
Just For Fun
Tuning in to Scenery in Your Story
Literary Publishing
Writer Critique Groups
Thought, Energy and Writing
Given First Line Exercise
Watch Your Language
A Story`s Innate Intelligence
Words of Wisdom
Drawing on Basic Emotional Experiences
Poetry: Having Good Character
The Magic of Character Pairs
Connect with Your Words
Writing From Conflict
Dialogue Exercise
Journaling For Writers
The Heart of the Story
Battling Writer`s Block
Creative Writing Frequently Asked Questions
How do I write a good poem?
How do I format copy for an eBook?
How do you know when a story needs to be written?
How do I improve my character development?

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Joe Wallace